Has Failed to Upload. The Uploaded File Was Only Partially Uploaded.

Thread: [RESOLVED] Uploaded files only partially upload (PHP)

  1. #i

    Uploaded files only partially upload (PHP)

    I have a loop which goes through the files I'm trying to upload and checks that they meet the format I need (allowed filetype and filesize). The script too checks that the upload was successful using this:


                                    if($_FILES[$fl]['fault']!=UPLOAD_ERR_OK)       {         array_push($errorArray,"Ane of your files was non uploaded correctly, the following error occured '".$_FILES[$fl]['error']."' please try over again.");         $fileError=truthful;       }
    During testing this is getting thrown up and the error it'south returning is 3 or UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE, meaning that the my form is too big. Why should this exist and what can I practise virtually it?
    Last edited by Nibinaear; February 16th, 2007 at ten:18 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: Uploaded files only partially upload (PHP)

    I've fixed that by adding an:


    echo "<input blazon=\"hidden\" proper name=\"MAX_FILE_SIZE\" value=\"102400000\" />\due north";
    Just now I'm getting error 4 back, which is UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE or "No file was uploaded." What can I do virtually this?


    I've so far increased the followig php.ini settings:
    upload_max_filesize = 30M
    post_max_size = 30M
    And I'chiliad running through:
    at the moment.

    Last edited by Nibinaear; February 16th, 2007 at 10:48 AM. Reason: Situation changed, unlike error.

  3. #3

    Re: [RESOLVED] Uploaded files only partially upload (PHP)

    Impaired question, I know, but have you tried the following?

    PHP Code:

    foreach( $_FILES as $file ){
    $error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK ){
    move_uploaded_file ( $file [ 'tmp_name' ], $file [ 'proper name' ]);

    EDIT: Accidentally left echo"$error_codes[$error]"; in the lawmaking.
    Last edited by PeejAvery; February 19th, 2007 at 09:14 AM.

    If the post was helpful...Charge per unit it! Call back to use [code] or [php] tags.

  4. #4

    Re: Uploaded files only partially upload (PHP)

    Quote Originally Posted by PeejAvery

    Dumb question, I know, but take you tried the following?

    PHP Lawmaking:

    foreach( $_FILES every bit $file ){
    $mistake == UPLOAD_ERR_OK ){
    " $error_codes [ $error ] " ;
    move_uploaded_file ( $file [ 'tmp_name' ], $file [ 'name' ]);

    I'thousand using:


                                    //Get each file back     foreach($_FILES as $fl => $f)     {       //Check that in that location was not a file upload error.       if($_FILES[$fl]['mistake']!=UPLOAD_ERR_OK)       {         echo "Error!";       }     }
    Which I call up is the same thing. I didn't know this though:


    Would that exist your ain variable or a reserved one?

    Also, I've discovered that single quotes don't work in filenames (using Firefox when testing). For example:

    Beethoven'due south Symphony No. 9 (Scherzo).wma

    Gets changed to:

    s Symphony No. ix (Scherzo).wma

    Fifty-fifty when I use htmlspecialchars($filename,ENT_QUOTES) or htmlentities($filename,ENT_QUOTES) and even my own escape_data part for databases. Is the filename getting uploaded at all when I use singe quotes or is information technology just getting chopped off and screwing up the file upload? Other files seem fine.

    I was using basename which aparently causes this problem, but non using notwithstanding generates the error.

    Last edited by Nibinaear; February 19th, 2007 at 06:54 AM.

  5. #v

    Re: [RESOLVED] Uploaded files only partially upload (PHP)

    Yeah. That was one of my reserved variables. I cutting it out. Sorry I missed that the beginning time.

    Funny that you take issues with unmarried quotes. I don't retrieve that has e'er been an issue for me. I will take to do further testing with my various servers on that.

    If the mail service was helpful...Rate information technology! Remember to use [code] or [php] tags.

  6. #6

    Re: [RESOLVED] Uploaded files just partially upload (PHP)

    It turned out that my javascript (nabbed from somewhere) was producing empty file elements for some reason. So I merely removed those (got rid of missing file errors) but still go the unmarried quote problems, everything else is fixed.

  7. #7

    Re: [RESOLVED] Uploaded files simply partially upload (PHP)

    Quote Originally Posted past Nibinaear

    but nonetheless become the single quote bug...everything else is stock-still.

    Sorry to hear that...Glad to hear that. Have y'all check some server upload settings? Information technology doesn't make sense to me that you tin't upload files with apostrophes. If you lot tin't prepare it, you lot can use ereg() to alert the user that he/she must remove the apostrophe.

    If the mail was helpful...Rate it! Recollect to use [code] or [php] tags.

  8. #viii

    Re: [RESOLVED] Uploaded files only partially upload (PHP)

    Quote Originally Posted past PeejAvery

    Sorry to hear that...Glad to hear that. Accept yous check some server upload settings? It doesn't make sense to me that y'all tin't upload files with apostrophes. If yous can't fix it, you can use ereg() to alarm the user that he/she must remove the apostrophe.

    I really don't get you. If you're bothered I institute this:


    Which says the issues's stock-still, just it isn't! But how can I use ereg? The filename I go from $_FILES[]['proper noun'] is:

    s Symphony No. 9 (Scherzo).wma

    without the apostrphe.

  9. #9

    Re: [RESOLVED] Uploaded files only partially upload (PHP)

    I'g not bothered considering I have never had this problem before and I have uploaded many files with apostrophes in them.

    Lamentable well-nigh the confusion. I was thinking of JavaScripts's .search(), and put downwardly ereg because I was in PHP.

    If the mail was helpful...Rate information technology! Remember to use [lawmaking] or [php] tags.

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Source: https://forums.codeguru.com/showthread.php?415071-RESOLVED-Uploaded-files-only-partially-upload-(PHP)

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